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ടാഗ്: Covid


This time, join Mike & Ashok as they discuss on why God is worthy of worship even through the midst of human suffering. Find and follow us by looking for the Cross Purpose on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Check out our podcast page at, or you can read articles from our blog at

In today’s episode, we delve into the recent incident involving John MacArthur and his church, Grace Community Church in California, who took a stand against the local government and decided to resume conducting services as they used to. How do we discern, from a Biblical viewpoint, the right reaction to the government closing down churches …

A brand new episode of The Cross Purpose podcast, where we come together to answer the age-old question, “Watcha doin’?”We discuss things the lockdown in India has taught us, and how we’ve been spending all the extra time we have now, and also whether or not Christians should watch TV and movies

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Coming Soon - Dec 2022

The Annual Cross Purpose Magazine
